Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

Nataša Rapaić

Member of the Management Board and Chief Operating Officer Residential (COO Residential)

Born in 1969 in Zagreb. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb in 1993 and completed MBA studies at IE in Madrid in 2000. Ms Rapaić has gained professional experience working in various positions of responsibility. She was a co-founder and director of export/import operations in the company Milna Parket, economic analyst in the Economic Office at the Embassy of Spain, where she worked on research into the Croatian market and boosting economic cooperation between the two countries, and worked as a financial analyst in the investment department of the bank Grupo Caixa Galicia, etc.

Ms Rapaić acquired marketing experience in the telecom industry working as a consultant at Madrid-based Europraxis Consulting and on various projects for the marketing sector of Telefónica Móviles.

She joined Hrvatski Telekom in 2003 as the Executive Director of the Sub-Unit Responsible for Communications . On 1 September 2005 she was appointed Member of T-Com Executive Board and Chief Marketing Officer.

In 2010 she took over the position of the Operating Director of the Residential Marketing Sector and on 1 February 2013 was appointed to the position of Member of the Management Board of HT d.d. and Chief Operating Officer Residential.

Krešimir Madunović

Member of the Management Board and Chief Operating Officer Residential (COO Residential)

Krešimir Madunović was appointed Member of the Management Board and Chief Operating Officer Residential (COOR), effective 1 July 2024. In his role, he is responsible for Product development, Sales, Residential Steering and Channel Management, Customer Experience, Residential Marketing, Brand Development and Management.

Previously, since end of 2022, he served as Director of the Residential Marketing at Croatian Telecom and, in parallel, as CEO of Iskon (a part of the HT Group), a position he held since 2016 until Iskon's integration into Croatian Telecom on 1 January 2024.

He started his career at HPT Mostar in 1997 and continued at T-Mobile where he held several managerial positions. In 2009, he assumed the position of Operations Director of the Sales Sector for SME of Croatian Telecom. He was appointed a member of the Iskon Management Board for Business Customers and Wholesale in 2013.

He holds a degree from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing from the University of Zagreb and has competed an MBA program at the IEDC Business School in Bled.

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