Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Teachtoday is an initiative for the promotion of safe and competent media use from Deutsche Telekom. It offers help to children & teens, parents & grandparents, as well as educational professionals with materials and tips for teaching, parenting and growing up in a world where media is part of everyday life.




Hrvatski Telekom aims to be a company that promotes sustainable development, sets the best practice in setting standards of superior communication, encourages integration into the society of information and knowledge, and takes a leading role in recognizing the importance of environmental protection.

Sustainability strategy

Certificates of Sustainability

HT in PRIME category

Agency oekom Research ranked in 2008 HT in the Prime category of companies with respect to its standards of corporate responsibility and sustainable development policy. In 2016, the category way reconfirmed.

CEERIUS Sustainability Index

In 2014, HT is the sixth consecutive year has been included in the CEERIUS Sustainability Index for 2015, the sustainability index of the Vienna Stock Exchange for the region of Central and Eastern Europe, which evaluates the leading companies in this region in terms of social and environmental quality, as and economic effect.

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Environmental Protection

Awareness is increasing that, by polluting the environment, man is primarily endangering himself.

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Protecting Privacy

At Hrvatski Telekom, technical and organizational measures are taken in line with best practices that exceed the obligations imposed by law.

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Part of the Community

We believe that the company's reputation depends on the quality of products and services, but also on the relationships of the company with its customers, partners, employees, the environment and the community.

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Brinemo o vašoj privatnosti.

Koristimo kolačiće i slične tehnologije kako bismo vam pružili najbolje moguće online iskustvo i prilagodili sadržaj vašim interesima. Pomoću kolačića i korištenih tehnologija informacije se mogu pohraniti, obogatiti i čitati na vašem uređaju.

Klikom na "Prihvati sve" slažete se s pristupom vašem uređaju i obradom vaših podataka, stvaranjem i obradom pojedinačnih korisničkih profila na web stranicama, partnerima i uređajima te prijenosom vaših podataka trećim stranama. Vaš pristanak putem gumba „Prihvati sve” također predstavlja temelj za prijenos podataka u treće zemlje (čl. 49. GDPR-a).

Hrvatski Telekom ne može osigurati razinu zaštite podataka koja odgovara onoj u EU za prijenos podataka u tzv. treće zemlje, odnosno one zemlje izvan EU za koje ne postoji odluka Komisije EU o adekvatnosti i za koje ne postoje tzv. prikladna jamstva. U takvim državama postoji mogućnost da npr. vlast ima pristup vašim podacima o online korištenju i informacijama o proizvodima koje ste naručili na ovoj web stranici te nije zajamčeno potpuno ostvarivanje vaših prava u obradi podataka.

Za više informacija, uključujući i obradu podataka od strane nezavisnih pružatelja, pogledajte Informacije o obradi osobnih podataka putem kolačića.
