Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

Areas in which we work are changing quickly and constantly, so it makes sense to help employees develop their knowledge, talent and ideas just as quickly and continuously.

We aim to create work environment that will enable fullfilment of each employees potential, while developing competitiveness at the same time.

By investing in employee development we preserve and increase professional relevance and competitiveness of the company, as well as each employee's.

In a stimulating environment such, each of our employees is personally responsible for their own development.

We provide growth and advancement

It is not uncommon for an intern who started working in T-HT straight after college to grow into a successful manager. However, everybody does not have to be a manager in order to have a successful career in HT.

Our employees have numerous opportunities for professional or project based career. Only condition we put before them is that they have to advance their knowledge, skills and effort invested in the company's operations.

We create managers

We continuously invest in the development of capable managers fitting the needs of the company and individual needs of our managers determined by annual potential and performance estimates.

Managerial competencies are developed systematically, by combining different methods such as individual and group coaching, field work in order to better meet customer needs. Then there are professional conferences, internal transfers of knowledge, the rotation by business segments, learning in small focus groups and such.

The more you know, more you are worth and easier to adapt, a greatly importan feat when working in telecommunications, a constantly evolving and progressing field

Educate professionals

As a company we need qualified experts with relevant knowledge to be able to reach our business goals.

In order to meet the expectations of high quality staff that we want in our company, we offer transparent and continuous development and create a setting in which the employees are able to fullfil their ambitions, grow their abilities, competencies and get good results.

We know our business

Our experts are authorities within the telecommunications industry. They transfer their knowledge within the company, through a variety of methods and programs (mentoring, small group work, lectures and discussions) to allow us to maintain the position of the market leader.

Continuous cooperation with the academic community and experts in the market is important for our further development as a company.

Brinemo o vašoj privatnosti.

Koristimo kolačiće i slične tehnologije kako bismo vam pružili najbolje moguće online iskustvo i prilagodili sadržaj vašim interesima. Pomoću kolačića i korištenih tehnologija informacije se mogu pohraniti, obogatiti i čitati na vašem uređaju.

Klikom na "Prihvati sve" slažete se s pristupom vašem uređaju i obradom vaših podataka, stvaranjem i obradom pojedinačnih korisničkih profila na web stranicama, partnerima i uređajima te prijenosom vaših podataka trećim stranama. Vaš pristanak putem gumba „Prihvati sve” također predstavlja temelj za prijenos podataka u treće zemlje (čl. 49. GDPR-a).

Hrvatski Telekom ne može osigurati razinu zaštite podataka koja odgovara onoj u EU za prijenos podataka u tzv. treće zemlje, odnosno one zemlje izvan EU za koje ne postoji odluka Komisije EU o adekvatnosti i za koje ne postoje tzv. prikladna jamstva. U takvim državama postoji mogućnost da npr. vlast ima pristup vašim podacima o online korištenju i informacijama o proizvodima koje ste naručili na ovoj web stranici te nije zajamčeno potpuno ostvarivanje vaših prava u obradi podataka.

Za više informacija, uključujući i obradu podataka od strane nezavisnih pružatelja, pogledajte Informacije o obradi osobnih podataka putem kolačića.