Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

Sponsorship and Donations

In order to promote its brands and create a positive image with a direct impact on the increase in sales of products and services, HT has invested funds in a number of sponsorship projects, conferences and collaboration with international institutions

As one of the largest and most powerful companies in Croatia, Hrvatski Telekom demonstrates with its sponsorship its responsibility towards the development of Croatian society, especially sponsorship activities in the field of culture and sport. Investing in these two areas helps the development of Croatian society, but these areas are perhaps also the most powerful promotional tools in Croatia that deserve all the attention and care.

What all donation projects in which the HT participates have in common is the orientation towards humanitarian issues, education and projects in which modern technologies are the basic component. Most projects are long-term, which ensures their greater effectiveness and many involve employees of efficiency and in many of them are both internal and external in nature, which means that HT’s employees directly engage in providing support to the community. The implementation of the defined environmental protection strategy has a special place in responsibility guidelines. HT’s leadership is reflected in its involvement in digitalization projects in the society and its provision of company’s resources for socially useful purposes. Its presence in the community is also evidenced by a number of sponsorships realized within the Group. Most long-term projects, ensuring their greater effectiveness, and many involved themselves employees of HT who directly join in helping the community

Generation NOW: Hrvatski Telekom invests another HRK 700,000 in STEM education of youth

In collaboration with IRIM, HT provides educational and financial support to educational institutions and donates STEM equipment. The competition runs from September 30 to October 12, and all educational institutions and non-profit institutions that promote the STEM field can apply.

HT Museum

Specialized Telecommunications and Postal Museum within the structure of the company Croatian Telecom Inc.

Brinemo o vašoj privatnosti.

Koristimo kolačiće i slične tehnologije kako bismo vam pružili najbolje moguće online iskustvo i prilagodili sadržaj vašim interesima. Pomoću kolačića i korištenih tehnologija informacije se mogu pohraniti, obogatiti i čitati na vašem uređaju.

Klikom na "Prihvati sve" slažete se s pristupom vašem uređaju i obradom vaših podataka, stvaranjem i obradom pojedinačnih korisničkih profila na web stranicama, partnerima i uređajima te prijenosom vaših podataka trećim stranama. Vaš pristanak putem gumba „Prihvati sve” također predstavlja temelj za prijenos podataka u treće zemlje (čl. 49. GDPR-a).

Hrvatski Telekom ne može osigurati razinu zaštite podataka koja odgovara onoj u EU za prijenos podataka u tzv. treće zemlje, odnosno one zemlje izvan EU za koje ne postoji odluka Komisije EU o adekvatnosti i za koje ne postoje tzv. prikladna jamstva. U takvim državama postoji mogućnost da npr. vlast ima pristup vašim podacima o online korištenju i informacijama o proizvodima koje ste naručili na ovoj web stranici te nije zajamčeno potpuno ostvarivanje vaših prava u obradi podataka.

Za više informacija, uključujući i obradu podataka od strane nezavisnih pružatelja, pogledajte Informacije o obradi osobnih podataka putem kolačića.
