Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

ISO 14001 Certificate

After successful central external ISO 14001 audit, the renewed Certificate valid for next three years period, until September 13, 2024, was issued for Croatian Telecom.

Annual Reports

Being a socially responsible company, we regularly publish Environmental Protection Reports in order to make this segment of our operations fully available to the public.

The practice of publishing Annual Environmental Protection Reports has been present for quite a while among European telecommunications operators.

The Environmental Protection Reports present indicators describing areas where we are given the possibility, as telecom operators in our regular operations, to have major impact on the environment. Such indicators conform to the indicators used by other European operators, which enables us, by comparing us to them, to define our performance in environmental protection in an international scope.

Monitoring, comparison and publication of such indicators will enable us to constantly work on the improvement of our performance, because one cannot improve what cannot be measured.

  • 2008374 t
  • 2009201 t
  • 2010175 t
  • 2011138 t
  • 2012131 t
  • 2013108 t
  • 2014112 t
  • 201575 t
  • 201668 t
Even as we continue to grow and develop new services, we consume less and less paper each year. The values are displayed in metric tons of paper.
  • 1,185 tons in 2011
  • 894 tons in 2012
  • 1,036 tons in 2013
  • 921 tons in 2014
  • 595 tons u 2015
  • 782 tons u 2016
We are continuously reducing the amount of waste. Preventing waste generation by encouraging reuse of unnecessary tangible assets, reducing the generation of waste to a minimum, separate collection of waste and its recycling and proper disposal are the backbone of our activities in the field of waste management.
  • 14 HT has 14 wind-solar systems installed

Your Contribution Counts Too!

Use Croatian Telecom’s services which will enable you to contribute to environmental protection: bring your old mobile phone, we will dispose of it in an eco-friendly way. Activate your e-Invoice to contribute to reduced consumption of paper and to the preservation of our forests.

We dispose of old mobile handsets in an environment-friendly way

Bring your old mobile devices to the
T-Center and ensure your proper disposal.

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Make paying bills easier, don't heap up paper invoices in drawers, do something good for your environment too: e- Invoice let's you do it all!

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Other Services

In the product and service creation and development process, HT endeavors to apply ecological principles whenever possible. HT has included services in its offer which may result in a reduction of impact on the environment, from the aspect of our Company as well as of our customers.

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EM Fields

With the development of mobile communications and the increasing number of customers, there is also an increasing need for base stations and antennas without which mobile communications would be impossible. Also, a research on the impact of electromagnetic (EM) fields has been actualized.

Should you have an inquiry about electromagnetic emissions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at

Brinemo o vašoj privatnosti.

Koristimo kolačiće i slične tehnologije kako bismo vam pružili najbolje moguće online iskustvo i prilagodili sadržaj vašim interesima. Pomoću kolačića i korištenih tehnologija informacije se mogu pohraniti, obogatiti i čitati na vašem uređaju.

Klikom na "Prihvati sve" slažete se s pristupom vašem uređaju i obradom vaših podataka, stvaranjem i obradom pojedinačnih korisničkih profila na web stranicama, partnerima i uređajima te prijenosom vaših podataka trećim stranama. Vaš pristanak putem gumba „Prihvati sve” također predstavlja temelj za prijenos podataka u treće zemlje (čl. 49. GDPR-a).

Hrvatski Telekom ne može osigurati razinu zaštite podataka koja odgovara onoj u EU za prijenos podataka u tzv. treće zemlje, odnosno one zemlje izvan EU za koje ne postoji odluka Komisije EU o adekvatnosti i za koje ne postoje tzv. prikladna jamstva. U takvim državama postoji mogućnost da npr. vlast ima pristup vašim podacima o online korištenju i informacijama o proizvodima koje ste naručili na ovoj web stranici te nije zajamčeno potpuno ostvarivanje vaših prava u obradi podataka.

Za više informacija, uključujući i obradu podataka od strane nezavisnih pružatelja, pogledajte Informacije o obradi osobnih podataka putem kolačića.
