Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

HT Group Members

  • Hrvatski Telekom d.d.
  • Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

    Hrvatski Telekom is the leading provider of telecommunications services in Croatia and offers the service of fixed and mobile telephony, wholesale, Internet and data service.
    The basic activity of HT is the provision of electronic communications services, and the design and construction of electronic communications networks in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. In addition to the provision of fixed telephony services, HT also provides Internet, IPTV and ICT services, data transmission services (lease of lines, Metro-Ethernet, IP/MPLS, ATM), GSM, UMTS, and LTE mobile services.
    Turning to the broadband and media services, HT has transcended the limited possibilities of traditional business growth in the mobile and fixed telephony. The innovative and convergent products and services of the highest quality, in particular the strengthening of integrated ICT solutions offers, which combine telecommunications and information technology services, are the HT's way into the future with the user as its center.

  • Iskon Internet d.d.
  • Iskon Internet d.d.

    Iskon is a contemporary telecom company recognized for its dynamic and entrepreneurial business culture and service quality, and developed relationships with private and business customers who are provided broadband Internet access based services.
    In addition to the Internet, it provides telephony service and digital television (IPTV) services as well as viewing TV content via mobile devices.
    The company operates as an independent company, and since 2006 it is a member of HT Group and wholly owned by Hrvatski Telekom.
    Through its own infrastructure, Iskon provides services in the area of Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Rijeka, Pula, Osijek, Velika Gorica, Samobor, Opatija and Solin, while its association with the HT Group provides availability in the whole of Croatia.

  • Combis - usluge integracija informatičkih tehnologija d.o.o.
  • Combis d.o.o.

    Combis, a regional systems integrator, is a member of the HT Group and wholly owned by Hrvatski Telekom since 2010. The company is focused on the development of application, communication, security, and system solutions and the provision of development and integration of ICT solutions, management of ICT infrastructure and support, and with the integration of advanced technology it provides complete business solutions, tailored to the specific requirements of customers, according to the "turnkey" principle.
    In Croatia, it is present with eight service locations, and for years it has been active in the region, with three service locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia.
    With the adoption of contemporary trends of European and international business, and continually improving the quality of work and working environment, Combis is today among the leading ICT companies in the region in the segment of service provision, and is the leading provider of IT services in Croatia.

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Klikom na "Prihvati sve" slažete se s pristupom vašem uređaju i obradom vaših podataka, stvaranjem i obradom pojedinačnih korisničkih profila na web stranicama, partnerima i uređajima te prijenosom vaših podataka trećim stranama. Vaš pristanak putem gumba „Prihvati sve” također predstavlja temelj za prijenos podataka u treće zemlje (čl. 49. GDPR-a).

Hrvatski Telekom ne može osigurati razinu zaštite podataka koja odgovara onoj u EU za prijenos podataka u tzv. treće zemlje, odnosno one zemlje izvan EU za koje ne postoji odluka Komisije EU o adekvatnosti i za koje ne postoje tzv. prikladna jamstva. U takvim državama postoji mogućnost da npr. vlast ima pristup vašim podacima o online korištenju i informacijama o proizvodima koje ste naručili na ovoj web stranici te nije zajamčeno potpuno ostvarivanje vaših prava u obradi podataka.

Za više informacija, uključujući i obradu podataka od strane nezavisnih pružatelja, pogledajte Informacije o obradi osobnih podataka putem kolačića.
