Decisions passed by the General Assembly of Croatian Telecom Inc. held on 25 April 2022

The General Assembly of Hrvatski Telekom was held in the Company's headquarters in Radnička cesta in Zagreb, on 25 April 2022. Besides shareholders (76.64 % of total votes), the General Assembly was attended by the members of the Management Board of HT headed by Kostas Nebis, President of the Management Board.
Among other things, it has been confirmed at the General Assembly that part of current net profit determined in annual financial statements for 2021 which amounted to HRK 666,130,174.38 shall be used for dividend payout to shareholders in amount of HRK 8.00 per share, in total amounting to HRK 637,768,168.00. A part of net profit in the amount of HRK 28,362,006.38 shall be allocated to retained earnings.
The dividend is to be paid to shareholders on 16 May 2022 and every person registered in the depository of the Central Depository Clearing Company Inc. (SKDD) by 5 May 2022 will have the right to dividend payment.
Complete content of the Decisions