T-Hrvatski Telekom (Reuters: THTC.L, HT.ZA; Bloomberg: THTC LI, HTRA CZ), Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, announces that on 6 December 2013 it received notification from
T-Mobile Global Holding Nr. 2 GmbH that Deutsche Telekom AG (DT AG) has transferred its Hrvatski Telekom d.d. (“the Company”) shares to T-Mobile Global Holding Nr. 2 GmbH, its subsidiary.
Pursuant to the Share transfer agreement, DT AG has transferred a total of 41,763,153 shares of HT d.d., representing 51% of the issued share capital of the Company and the same number of votes at the General Assembly of the Company, to T-Mobile Global Holding Nr. 2 GmbH, a company 100% owned by DT AG. The said transfer of shares was executed as a part of the internal restructuring performed within DT AG and as a result thereof DT AG’s influence in HT d.d. remains unchanged.
This transfer of HT d.d. shares was entered in the electronic files of the computer system of the Central Depository & Clearing Company on 5 December 2013.