T-Hrvatski Telekom (Reuters: THTC.L, HT.ZA; Bloomberg: THTC LI, HTRA CZ, “T-HT”), Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, announces that the Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM) has unveiled its decision on the assignment of the unassigned radio frequency spectrum of the remaining digital dividend on the 801-811 and 842-852 MHz band, divided in 2x5 MHz blocks.
On 28 October 2013, T-HT filed an application with HAKOM in the public auction for the assignment of licences for use of the remaining unassigned radio frequency spectrum.
Of the two blocks assigned, T-HT has been granted the block of 806-811/847-852 MHz for the price offered by T-HT of HRK 105,652,000. Additionally, T-HT will pay an annual fee for the use of the radio frequency spectrum of HRK 8 million to be paid during the term of the licence and other annual fees for the use of frequencies set round the level of other current mobile frequencies and licenses.
The licence will be issued after payment of related fees due on 21 November 2013 and is valid until 18 October 2024.
With this additional acquisition of spectrum, T-HT confirms its strategy of investment in network and new technologies that will ensure its customers have access to top quality network and services across the whole territory of Croatia.