The General Assembly of Hrvatski Telekom was held in the Congress Hall Hypo Expo XXI Centre, in Zagreb, on 17 June 2013.
The Assembly was attended by 58,254,380 votes, which constitutes 71.14% of total votes.
Among other things, it is determined that Hrvatski Telekom d.d. in the business year ended with 31 December 2012 realized net profit (after taxation) in the amount of HRK 1,680,044,488.02.
A part of net profit (after taxation) in the amount of HRK 1,679,533,852.85, or HRK 20.51 per share, shall be paid out as dividend.
A part of net profit (after taxation) in the amount of HRK 510,635.17 will be allocated to retained earnings.
(You can find the complete content of the Decisions among the links in download menu.)