Pursuant to the Obligations Act, the limitation period for dividend payment for the year 2007 will begin to run on 20 May 2013.
Despite the communication sent by Central Depository & Clearing Company Inc. (SKDD) to relevant shareholders informing them that the reason they were not paid the dividend was that their data were either incomplete or inaccurate, there are still shareholders who have not submitted accurate data, which is why they have not been paid the above dividend.
We kindly inform all shareholders who have not received the dividend for the year 2007 and who are entitled to dividend payment to deliver, pursuant to “The rules on delivery of documents for payment of unpaid dividend in the year 2008“, published on the Internet page, relevant documents and data necessary for dividend payment before the statute of limitations begins to run.
All shareholders that were registered on 21 April 2008 as T-HT's shareholders in the records kept by Central Depository & Clearing Company Inc. are entitled to the dividend for the year 2007 in the amount of HRK 29.56 per share.