
Hrvatski Telekom has continued its partnership with the leading film festivals in Croatia this year yet again. As is normally the case, the festival tour will commence with ZagrebDox that enables us to enjoy the world's best documentaries. Hrvatski Telekom cares about documentary film enthusiasts throughout Croatia and hence this year, in co-operation with the non-profit Factum Association, ZGDox provides an opportunity to watch top quality feature-length films for all those who will not be able to attend the festival.

Bolshoi Babylon
These films will be available exclusively through MAXtv Video Library and on MAXtv To Go platform immediately following the film screening at the Festival, and therefore one should not miss the following top quality award-winning documentaries:
- The Visit (available only for 72 hours) from 26th to 28th February 2016 and
- Bolshoi Babylon,
- Sonita,
- The Russian Woodpecker,
- A Strange Love Affair with Ego, available from 29th February 2016 over the next 6 months.
In addition to the previously mentioned films, you will be provided the opportunity to watch other films through MAXtv Video Library, albeit with some additional charges, such as 2 highly appealing documentaries with which you will certainly be delighted:
Ronaldo – a suggestive closer look on the life of the football super star;
Listen to me Marlon – a fascinating portrait of the Hollywood legend Marlon Brando.

In addition to the top quality film programme on the silver screen, Festival attendees will be able to watch 3 short interactive documentaries and experience a brand new dimension of watching film content through cutting edge technology and devices for mobile experience of virtual reality.
Moreover, MAXtv Filmofeel Corner will provide an opportunity for the attendees to watch short film VR documentaries "Clouds over Sidra", "The Displaced", and "Millions March" using Samsung Gear VR glasses, as well as entertainment through virtual photograph taking in the latest successful films coming soon to Croatian cinemas. Each attendee who has their virtual photograph taken will be able to take it home and download it subsequently at maxtvfilmofeel.hr website and through #Filmofeel share their photographs with their friends on their Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter profile. All the photographs #Filmofeel will be evaluated by a judging panel, and the best will be awarded with a pair of Samsung Gear glasses, MAXtv Filmofeel umbrella, or a canvas bag. Furthermore, the attendees will be able to surf on their mobile phones or their tablet using the fastest Internet and HT’s Wi-Fi network, as well as use HT’s promotional devices and enjoy the music and TV contents through Deezer or MAXtv To Go. Visit ZGDox and have fun!
More info on the Festival at www.zagrebdox.net